How the mosquito choose his victim

Mosquitoes do not bite everyone equally. It's kind of interesting, but it does.
Only female mosquitoes bite and they do it because it serves human blood to fertilize their eggs, however, it appears that they have preferences when it comes to choosing their victims. Scientists have found that mosquitoes smell substances emitted by the human body from great distances.

When people have high concentrations of steroids or cholesterol on the surface of the skin, mosquitoes swarm around. Not because they feed on these compounds, but because it may be more efficient processing thereof. Also drawn to the people who produce too much acid (eg uric acid), strong substances that stimulate their noses. Better identify the substance mosquitoes is carbon dioxide.

Other elements that attract mosquitoes are movement and heat. When people exercise, these insects detect that they are moving and head towards them. Moreover, the smell of carbon dioxide breathing turns people into absolute targets simultaneously lactic acid is secreted in sweat.

10 things that cause mosquito bites:

1-Breathe: because people emit  CO2
2-No bath: while your body has more dirt, the more they attract.
3-Move: mosquitoes choose their victims more easily detect movement.
4-Sweating: perspiration bathes the body of salt and humidity, which is very attractive to mosquitoes.
5-Having heat: if you're hot and your body increases its temperature, you are more attractive to mosquitoes.
6-Dress in dark colors: The black and red are the most striking them .
7-Wearing perfume or cologne.
8-Use creams or lotions "alpha hydroxy"
9-Do not wash your feet.
10-Eating a lot of cheese and drink beer.

Many of these things are pretty amazing. What do you think?

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